Barotrauma Wiki
Large Engine
Large Engine
Category Machines
Power Consumption 4000 kW
Max Thrust 4000
Repair Requirements
Mechanical Repairs
Mechanical Engineering 40
Items Needed Wrench
Category Machines
Power Consumption 2000 kW
Max Thrust 2000
Repair Requirements
Mechanical Repairs
Mechanical Engineering 40
Items Needed Wrench
Shuttle Engine
Shuttle Engine
Category Machines
Power Consumption 500 kW
Max Thrust 300
Repair Requirements
Mechanical Repairs
Mechanical Engineering 30
Items Needed Wrench

The Engine, Large Engine, and Shuttle Engine are all vital installations that allow the submarine to move in water.


The engines only work if they receive a signal. This can be accomplished by connecting the velocity_x_out output of the navigation terminal to the set_force input of the engine.

There are three types of engines in the game, the large engine, engine, and shuttle engine. The large engine is by far the fastest of the bunch but is very power hungry, take a whole 4000kW to power the beast. The normal engine is smaller than the large engine and goes half as fast, but requires half the amount of power to power it at 2000kW. Finally the shuttle engine is the smallest of the bunch and goes a minute amount of thrust, but only requires 500kW to power it.

While full-sized engines can quickly succumb to water damage, shuttle engines are 100% waterproof, not deteriorating while surrounded by water. A Mechanic is able to fix either by using a wrench. However, in the steam version, anyone is able to fix the engines this, however this is considerably slower than if a Mechanic was to fix it.

When the set_force of an engine is unwired, it is possible to use the plus and minus buttons on the engine's GUI interface to set its force manually (on a slider scale from -100% to 100%).

Connection Panel

Connection panel for Engines
Connection Port power_in
Connection Port set_force
Connecting a power source to this input will supply the engine with power.
Sets Engine force to the received value.



  • It is also possible, to connect the velocity_y_out output of the navigation terminal to the set_force input of the engine to steer submarine, but the controls will be inverted when steering the submarine (vertical control will become horizontal).
